Title/Affiliation: Professor of Environmental Medicine, Pathology, and Medicine
Department of Environmental Medicine
New York University School of Medicine
Tuxedo Park, NY 10987
Citizenship: U.S.A.
Office Address: Department of Environmental Medicine Telephone: (845) 731-3585
New York University School of Medicine
Tuxedo Park, NY 10987
1976 Ph.D.
Molecular Biology
The University of Texas at Dallas
Richardson, Texas
1975 M.S.
Molecular Biology
The University of Texas at Dallas
Richardson, Texas
1966 B.S.
Medical Technology
National Taiwan University
Taipei, Taiwan
Postgraduate Training/Dates:
1976-78 Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Experimental Biology
Roswell Park Memorial Institute
Buffalo, New York
1972-76 Research Assistant and Teaching Assistant
Molecular Biology
The University of Texas at Dallas
Richardson, Texas
1968-72 Research and Teaching Assistant
Department of Clinical Pathology
National Taiwan University
Taipei, Taiwan
Academic and Professional Appointments/Dates:
1999-present Professor of Environmental Medicine, Pathology, and Medicine, New York University School of Medicine, New York
1982-1999 Assistant, Associate and Full Professor of Biochemistry Department of Carcinogenesis
University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
Science Park-Research Division
Smithville, Texas
1985-1986 Adjunct Assistant Professor
Program of Molecular Biology
University of Texas at Dallas
Dallas, Texas
1981-1982 Research Instructor and Research Associate
Department of Pathology
Washington University School of Medicine
St. Louis, Missouri
1978-1980 Research Associate
Department of Radiology/Radiobiology
Stanford University School of Medicine
Stanford, California